But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8

The final words that Jesus spoke to His first followers were prophetic. They did indeed receive power after the Holy Spirit came upon them at Pentecost, and they were His witnesses first in Jerusalem, then in Judea and Samaria, and as they were scattered through persecution, to the ends of the earth.

Those prophetic words serve as a challenge to Versailles Baptist Church today. Our challenge is to be witness in Versailles, in Kentucky, in the United States of America, and throughout the rest of the world.

Versailles Baptist Church has accepted the “Acts 1:8 Challenge” to be a worldwide mission center, engaging in intentional kingdom-growing efforts.

local missions


We view our Jerusalem as the Versailles/Lexington area. Each April on the Great Day of Service, over 200 of us join together to do service projects in our community. Through free car washes, building wheelchair ramps, providing free dental exams, repairing area homes, and more, we are seeking to meet needs and to share Christ. Additionally, our church provides weekly meals for the homeless, runs an after school homework club, provides food and clothing to those in need, and many more local projects!

kentucky missions


We view our Judea as the state of Kentucky. Since 2008 we have adopted Owsley County, Kentucky and help meet physical and spiritual needs for the poorest county in Kentucky.  Yearly Family Mission trips to Eastern KY enable your family to serve together in a great mission experience.  Additionally, we provide Equestrian mission trips to Lynch, KY, Senior Adult Mission Trips to the Oneida Baptist Institute, and a backpack/Christmas gift program to Letcher County, KY.

nationwide missions


We view our Samaria as the United States. We currently have ongoing partnerships with ministries in Utah and Maine.  Our previous trips have been to Mississippi, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina, to name a few.

international missions


Through our partnership with the Casa Hogar Emmanuel Orphanage we send 2-4 teams per year to serve orphans in Mexico. We link up with El Camino Church to provide Vacation Bible school to over 200 Mexican children.  Additionally, members of our church are involved with missions in Turkey, the Philippines, Indonesia, Botswana, and East Asia.