Follow the steps below for your student's Crossing Camp experience

HS camp: all parents, chaperones & students participating need to be in Fellowship Hall, ready to go at 1pm. We will be leaving at 1:30pm.

**If you come to services on Sunday already pre-packed and ready to go, pizza will be provided for those that do not leave in between services and our departure time.**

  • Register! Since you are here you should have ALREADY registered with Versailles Baptist.

  • After you have registered with VBC for camp, you must use this link to put your information into the Crossings website! This is something we are not able to do for you and must be completed before May 29 for MS and June 19 for HS. 

    If you've created a Crossings account in the past from prior year camps, you will need to log in with your credentials instead of creating a new account.

    If you need help, click here and scroll down to the Parents section. Crossings Camp staff is available to help with online registration via email.

    DO NOT share this link; there is only one spot per individual who has registered with us. This link is unique to our group. Do not try to register by going to Crossings website; use the link in the button above.

    Middle School Crossings Link

    High School Crossings Link

  • Here is where you can make your payments toward camp! Please make sure to select either the High School Camp or Middle School Camp drop down option.

    Click HERE to make a payment.

    $50 - Due Now

    $140 - Due 4/18 for MS and 5/16 for HS

    $100 - Due 5/16 for MS and 6/13 for HS

  • Here you can find Survival guides to help you get ready and thrive at camp! It includes an info sheet on what is new at the camp, Schedules, Packing List, Activity lists, and a FunFangle info sheet. 

    MS camp: all parents, chaperones & students participating need to be in Fellowship Hall, ready to go at 2:30pm. We will be leaving at 3pm.

    HS departure times are not yet set.

    Middle School Survival Guide

    High School Survival Guide

    Parents Page