February 2, 2021
We continually monitor the coronavirus pandemic and listen closely to guidance from our public health officials. We created a Versailles Baptist Covid Task Force that is comprised of doctors and public health professionals within out church. This task force works with our staff to help make wise decisions regarding church programming during Covid.
Our church has established great protocols to keep people safe, and you have done a tremendous job of following the guidelines. We feel as though Versailles Baptist Church is as safe as any church could possibly be at this time. As Christians, we do not live in fear but we do walk in wisdom.
Beginning February 7th we will resume Sunday morning in-person Sunday School and in-person Children’s Worship. This goes alongside of our in-person worship services and preschool activities that are already in place.
In all of this, let us be reminded of our great God and His calling to be His people. Whether we are gathering in person or online, we gather to Worship Him! Let us be faithful in our worship, faithful in our Sunday School involvement, and faithful to our community as we seek to minister to them.
Michael Cabell